Saturday 15 November 2014

Chocolate orange and white chocolate cookies

These have to be one of the best tasting cookies I have ever tasted! 

200g Unsalted Butter
300g Self Raising Flour
325g Caster Sugar
Zest Of An Orange
200g Terry's Chocolate Orange
200g Milkyway bar
1 egg
Splash of milk

1) Preheat the oven to 200C

2) Mix all the ingredients together excluding the chocolate using a hand mixer to form a dough

3) Break the chocolate into small pieces and add making sure it is incorptiated well

4) Separate into small balls and put on a tray covered with greese proof paper.

5) Put the balls far apart so that they don't spread and make one big cookie when cooked

6) Cook for no longer than 12 minutes so that they don't burn and have a melting inside

7) Leave to cool for 30 minutes before eating 

8) Enjoy!!! :) 

Saskia x

Thursday 6 November 2014

The Holiday Season!!

From Halloween to the New Year has to be one of the best times of year. Lush; Snow (if there is any!); The smell of the Christmas tree; Family; The cosy, warm foods; And much more! As much as I love the shorts and t-shirt whether, we don’t quite get that in England (Its more rain! L). But we do get cold cosy winters that makes you really excited for Christmas! One thing I absolutely love to do around Christmas time is decorate the home. Okay yes I do get a little over controlling about it but, there’s only one time of the year you can do that. And that is Christmas! You just have to have colours for each room that are Christmas. Don’t you?

Christmas also means good chocolates and other foods. But mostly chocolates. There’s; after eights, Terry’s chocolate orange, hero’s, celebrations, and others. (Not that these aren’t good all year round)! Another food that is brilliant around Christmas is roast dinners. Now, these aren’t the same without Yorkshire puddings but would still be the best around Christmas. It’s just a warm, filling, comfort food that makes you feel so cosy and homely. 

Saskia x