Monday 5 January 2015

My Essentials: Bathroom

As you may be able to tell by the title I am starting a little series. It is a five part series that will be uploaded every Monday. I hope you enjoy this series.

This is My Bathroom Essentials.

These are I use almost everyday- unless it is not needed- and love. Most of these products I have repurchased or will need to soon (after I have tested some other products). As you can tell there is a slight theme. I love Soap and Glory and Tony and Guy. I have bought many a product from both company's and am never disappointed.

Firstly is hair. I was going to do hair in a separate post then decided that my essentials for hair are here so I will slot it into this post. (Just a disclaimer, these products may not satisfy your needs as you are most likely have a different hair type to me.) I have very dry hair, but can get greasy if not washed for ages. As I have dry hair I only wash it twice a week. I know for some that sounds disgusting but my hair needs to have time to produce its natural oils so that it has an injection of moisture. If i washed it every day it would just strip it and be even more dry- which it doesn't need. On to the products- wow that took a long time. I use all Tony and Guy products. Wait ALL Tony and Guy products, I guess I didn't realise I liked it that much. For shampoo and conditioner I use the shampoo and conditioner for dry hair. This gives my hair and scalp an instant boots of hydration which you can feel as soon as you put the product on your hair, WITHOUT BEING GREASY!!!!!!! For a mask which I use from once a week to every fortnight is Tony and Guy Reconstruction Mask. This really hydrates the dry split ends of my hair, and nourishes in a really creamy way.

Now for the body. I'm not 100% sure on what type of body I have, whether its dry or not. I think its normal. However it can get dry in the winter or when I change conditions quickly. I use all Soap and Glory products once again. Whoops! But these are perfect for my skin and have a refreshing sent. The sent of all the product are sugar crush and I think I own almost everything from the range. You could say I'm slightly obsessed. It is one of my favourite sent though. The body wash is really moisturising as well as the body butter, and the scrub is really cleansing, and exfoliating.

Finally, every week (especially if its been really stressful) I have a bath bomb in my bath. My favourites are the Lush bath bombs and bars. My favourite normal sent is Avo Bath which is shown in the photo above. Although I do love most of their sents, they are so nice at Christmas. I have this type of bath with a candle lit and the lights off. This is the most therapeutic and relaxing bath EVER.

These are my Bathroom Essentials. Next week will be Bed-Side table essentials (this needs a better name!) See you then!

Saskia x

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